WELCOME TO INVADING FORCES TV CHANNEL. We Present: Hard Talk Subject of Discussion: Deliver Yourself from the Hunter Objective: Discovering the Fight Within You The Bible advises you to deliver yourself from the hand of the Hunter. So, who are the hunters in your life? The hunters of your life are: 1. Your Words: Your choice of words can ensnare you. Over time, words you don't consider carefully can come back to haunt you, as they can build pride and lustful desires within you. 2. Arrogant Character: You need to free yourself from an arrogant character. Many people today have destroyed relationships and souls around them due to arrogance, often without caring about this aspect of their behavior. Arrogance is marked by excessive pride and disdain for others. Here are some characteristics of arrogant individuals: Complacent: Being too satisfied with oneself without achieving true success. Conceited:Holding egotistic opinions that are ineffective. Condescending: Displaying superiorit...