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                                                                                HOW TO FAST, PRAY AND GET RESULT

SCRIPTURE REFRENCE: HEB. 11: 6, LUKE 1: 37 and JAMES 2: 26



Jesus said in Matthew 17 -21 “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” Let me rephrased here that, there are situations that threatened our faiths and lives as believers in Christ, especially those of us who serve God with fear keeping his principles. Philip. 2-12 and job 2-3.


Those kinds of situation resist us and broke us down. They threatened our faith most times, this kind of situation make people mock and scoff (laugh) us if when we sit down to think of ourselves we ask questions like HOW LONG SHALL I CONTINUE LIKE THIS OH LORD. Such situation that make people around you to ask WHERE IS YOUR GOD?


This kind of situation in our lives as establish above will not respond to you unless by fasting and prayer says the scripture Matthew 17 -21




How to handle this kind of situation to get the needed result is: (1) you acknowledge God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek (LORD) Heb.11–6. (2) your faith in God must be activated to come alive, knowing that with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1-37 and James 2–26.  (3) You believe God does not lie and cannot lie Heb. 6–18, Titus 1 -2 (4) you must be diligent in your conduct and in your service to God and to humanity.




(1) Diligent is having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties (2) constant in effort to accomplish something attentive and persistent in doing anything. (3) Doing or pursuing something with persevering attention.





(1) BUSY: That is a person who is actively or fully engaged or occupied Gal.6-9, 1Pet. 1-19


(2) Careful: That is exercising caution of showing care or attention. Philip. 4-6.


(3) Be assiduous: That is showing hard work, serious interest or attention to details. John 5-39. Act 17-11 (a persistent effort)


(4) Tireless: Psalm 103–5 and Isaiah 40 -3.


(5) Studious: 1Thess. 4–11, 2Tim.2–15 and Eccl.12–12


The opposite of this can lead to getting a negative result that is (1) Laziness: These means not willing to work, a person who avoids activity. Pro 20–4 and Pro. 26–16. (2) Carelessness: Isaiah 47–8. (3) Dilatory: That means to become slow, delaying, slack, loitering and procrastinating Pro6–41. Now having the above understanding, then you proper to do the seeking


NUMBER ONE KEY TO ACCESS GOD TO GET THE NEEDED RESULT IS “SEEKING” Matthew 6–33 said, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing shall be added or giving to you. Matthew 7–7.


You must seek the lord, seeking means to search for, look for and try to find or discover god or whom God truly is by studying the bible when your faith becomes sharpened! For it is impossible to please God without faith Rom. 1–17.


So seeking the lord, you must recognize the place of righteousness! That is your obedience to God's word is key access to God for the result you need. One key character to access result from God is righteousness Gen. 15–6, Gen. 30–33, Deut. 9 - 4 - 6, 2 Sam 22 -21, Pro. 14 - 34


NUMBER ONE KEY IS FAITH. Deut.32–20 talk about the Children in whom have no faith, but the JUST shall live by faith Hab. 2–4. Faith therefore becomes the substance of things hope for, an evidence of things not seeing Heb.11 -1. Substance means that which is real or practical in quality or character. A practical value, these can be material POSSESSION, GOODS, WEALTH etc., although they are not their physically as evidence but you have a metal picture of it and you believe you can get it. The woman with blood believed in herself, her healing took place instantly in her because she believes. That is why Jesus said to her your FAITH, mark that word, not him Jesus; but your FAITH Jesus said in Matthew 9-20–22 “FAITH” Apostle Paul said, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10–17.


NUMBER THREE IS GIVING DILIGENTLY: To be diligent is to be careful not only been careful, you must put a lot of sacrificial effort in what you do in detailed ways to see that you are of help to the work of the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to the system you find yourself. Having the thought as stated in Heb. 11 verse 6. you believe God exists and he is a rewarder of them or those who earnestly and diligently seek him out. If we carefully observe and pursue after him, that is putting God first (not with a hypocritical mindset) but with a purposeful heart of service. Then, if we fast and pray, he will answer us and if there is any power hat resist us in any form or ways, through fasting and enthusiastic prayer we will prevail and get a good result to the glory of God's name. shalom.


Memory verse: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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