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TEXT: JOHN 12 vs 10 & PROVERB 1 vs16


A man got healed by Jesus, not just that Jesus healed him only, but Jesus actually raised him from the dead. The jews leaders hated Jesus because of what he did that they have not seen nor imagined can happen, they took Counsel to kill the man that was raised from the dead-what a hypocritical leader.


These leaders live their lives to please themselves and not to please God.

We live in a world where people will not appreciate you for what you know and do better than them, instead they look for all avenues to bring you down.

You must not allow the opinion of others dictate your directions, but do everything you do out of hypocrisy, that is do everything without hypocrisy.

WHAT IS HYPOCRISY? In a simple term, hypocrisy is where someone claims a quality or a virtue they do not possess, that means what you don't have, you cannot give. Follow me closely.

Many people today live in falsehood. I'm not talking of being a scammer, I mean falsehood, living a pretentious lifestyle full of lies and deceit. What many have not realised is that anytime you tell lies you need a thousand lies to back up that is living in falsehood.

The Jewish leaders at that time could not do what Jesus was doing instead of showing appreciation, they hated him and sort to kill him with the mindset that they were working for God, but behind the scene their thought was that Jesus was killing their businesses and so they hated him the more to the intent that a man Jesus raised from the dead they sought to kill him all to discredit Jesus miraculous missions what a hypocrite.


{1) They do not appreciate anything others does as a service, especially when they know that you are better than them in what you do, you are never appreciated.

{2} They live a borrowed lifestyle, and they borrowed virtually everything they had on them, they never appreciate themselves or what they have.

{3} They are very jealous, very envious of people's successes, very quarrelsome and always finding errors in what others do to discredit them and are very arrogant and mouthy, above all, they are very loud to say the list.

{4} They are very religious and moral. Yes, They are good pretenders. When you find them in church, they usually have a big Bible in church yet they don't study for their own correction but for others, they don't wear jewelry, most times all to make you believe they are holy brethren, they don't wear makeup either. Yet they pretend all the way. Follow me closely.

{5} They pretend to know everything. Everything that you can think of, they know it and they know how to do all things yet they do nothing and they have no result to show.

{6} A fetish and a very diabolical set of people, they know all the good pastors in the town, the good prophet, the good shepherd, all the spiritualists that you can think of, they know where to find them in the city and in the villages.

{7} They love titles both in the church and in the circular world, they love to be called chief, deacons and deacons, archdeacons, arch elders, etc. all kinds of titles they love. In summary, these sets of people do not have the fear of God in them. Yet they are closer to the authority more than every other person in the church. Follow me closely.

Because the fear of God is not in them and because they live a false life, people tend to believe them more than those who are honest and so when they lie to you, Hardly Will you know they lied, because whenever they come to you to convince you of any issues, they come with tears, they cry before you all to convince you that they are telling you the truth and not lying to you.

This kind of people, because they're very fetish and very diabolical, in most cases, any gift you give to them is never valuable in their eyes. Most of them carry what you give to them as a gift and use it diabolically to block your source of income and make you a slave to them.


Proverbs 2:10-14 KJV. When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; [11] Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: [12] To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things; [13] Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness; [14] Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked;

These kinds of people are there in the church, in your families, in your offices, you must know and be aware of them. If they succeed in convincing you of anything and gain control of your life, they will rule and ruin your life with their hypocritical opinions.

They are home breakers and spoilers of children's destinies. Some of you have encountered them, when your father, your mother, your husband, your wife, when they come to your house, some people have encountered them through their boss's behavioral manifestation they are dear as colleagues in your offices.

That is why you need to be prayerful and obedient to God and to his words, you need to be gifted in wisdom that comes from the word of God, that is, studying the scripture to overcome them because if you don't have what it takes to put these people under your control, they will cast a spell on you, at the moments many of you are already under their spells, but I am going to take you through some prayer point to disconnect them from your life forever.

P. P. Arise oh lord disappoint them in my life, confront them in my life, and in my family, in my office, oh Lord confront them, cast them down and deliver my soul from the wicked by your sword in Jesus name. (Psalm 17:13 KJV. Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword:)

P. P. Say oh lord as I begin to pray in the name of Jesus, I command any of my money, my clothes, my jewelries, anything from me in the hand of these hypocritical fellows which they turn into any instrument of witchcraft to diabolically fight my life and destiny, to fight my marital settlements, to fight my business oh lord let that instrument and the gift from me to them become death in their hands now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Pst. Peter Izoduwa

Your Host


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