the mystery of Crucifixion day 1



                                                               An online fellowship world wide

You are welcome to the mystery of Crucifixion week to the glory of God almighty. Hallelujah, I like you all to thank God for your life, thank him for his love for us, thank him for the cross and for the life that he gave for us on the cross, thank him for the Crucifixion that brought us life in abundance, thank you Father we love you lord, thank you for your love for us. Amen.


I want to talk about the mystery of Crucifixion, the MYSTERY of Crucifixion is what convicted us all, making us feel the quilt of our errors we do not know about. Hallelujah. 


The Crucifixion of Christ came to give us that foundation to begin a new life of abundance in Christ, for we were all condemned in SIN and death naturally, but he came and break the power of sin and death, and he set for us a new foundation. According to Roman 3 verse 23. Which said for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, we have all gone far from the glory of God. Hallelujah, the mystery of crucifixion is bringing you back to his glory tonight, hallelujah.


It's become a mystery to the enemies of God and of mankind how God intends to rescue man from condemnation and death through the death of his only begotten son, JESUS. That was the death, brought in by Adam in the garden. Gen. 2 verse 17. 


I like you to know when we talk about abundant life; we talked about life beyond this present existence in the flesh, even when we talk about the existence in the flesh there are benefits that are connected to us, so Jesus going to the cross gave us that foundation to look out for an abundant life. John 10 verse 10 talk about the Thief representing the devils who are the greatest enemies to mankind who by deception destroy our glorious relationship with God from the beginning. 


The new foundation gives you or us, the privilege to become a child of God–Now becoming a child, your parents must subject you to learning his culture, so God allows us to learn his laws. let see some of the corresponding principles of becoming the child of GOD.


(1)    It gives you access to the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8 verse 16. The spirit of creation now recognized you to be the child of God almighty


(2) It gives you acceptance that makes you live boldly knowing whom you are. (2 Cor. 6 verse 18. I will become a father to you. in this world that we live in today, if you know the father that you have, it will either make you a bold person or inferior person.


(3) It opens your knowledge to what God had for you, that you know not. (Eph. 1 verse 5. Having predestined us to adoption as sons–according to his pleasure. how will you feel when you are told that the governor is your real father and that he is looking for you?


(4) It gives you a knowledge of change, realizing how your father love you. (1 John 3 verse 1. Now haven realize these, that you have now seen your real father. For a while old friends will distance themselves from you because they may not see you, nor you allow to see them. That is because you just enter a new atmosphere and learning new culture, and this time they will need to teach you how to comport yourself in this new family with such great wealth and influence that you do not know.


The mystery of crucifixion therefore, gives you the foundation to begin learn new things about your father and your new family culture, and therefore you also learn about the inheritance ahead of you.


Having learned all these principles, it will be necessary to translate them into leaning about the word of God, and as we study the word, the word takes shape in us and form flesh in us. (John 1 verse 14. let me tell you why we do not take seriously this gospel of crucifixion. it was the idea they gave us about Christ, some were begged to accept Christ into their live to avoid going to hell fire, some were frightened with the message of hell fire and many came to Christ by afflictions therefore seeking for miracles (that was the birth of fake preachers) and the proper teachings of the gospel principle of Christ where not communicated to give the ideal initiation into this family called Christianity.


Initiation simply means to originate, to introduce to a new field, interest, skill or activity, to admit into membership. The mystery of crucifixion was to initiate us (todays Christian) into a new covenant or culture called the KINGDOM OF GOD. Through Jesus the Christ. John 3 verse 3. To be born again is to be initiated into a new covenant not through your own blood or the blood of animals, but by the blood of Jesus the begotten son of GOD. The first stage of the initiation is the water baptism. John 3 verse 5. Except a man be born of water (which signifies water baptism) and of the spirit (which also talk about the Holy ghost baptism) he cannot enter the kingdom God.





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