Tonight we are going to deal with your past so you can face and move to your future as many people really do not know the implication of why they see themselves in classes that they left many years ago, or seeing yourself in primary school uniform or playing around with your primary school mate in dreams. 

This is the spirit of retrogression at work in one’s life. It means that someone is locked up in their past. When you wake in the morning, it looks like you just left the village yesterday. Let me break some mystery to you here.

Many great men and women all over the world have received instructions, warnings, blessings and great ideals in their dreams. Even in the bible. Joseph became some great entities in Israel through instructions from dreams Gen.37 verse 5. Although it landed him in trouble, the significance of his dream was not to take him but to launch him into his great future. 

Dream in simple terms means an imaginary event seen in the mind while sleeping. Your dream life is your supernatural life through which your real Destiny progress is decided. The supernatural decides the natural, and so your dream life decides your hope and wishes that manifest into natural developments called FORTUNE.

So when you continue to see yourself in a dream consistently in the village doing nothing, there is a problem. May God almighty deliver us tonight from being absent from our future in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

In 1 kings 3 verse 5 God almighty appeared to Solomon in his night dream and his Destiny was supernaturally decided that night and Solomon made and shaped history. Look at all those who dream in the bible what was reveal to them was their future solutions that further change their lives.

What we are dealing with here is to create the awareness that what you dream of tells you the level of your success in life. I had wished to dress in a white suit on my wedding day. I saw it again in my night dream and here it is. Many people are locked up in their village so the activities that take place in their dream every other night is playing or doing nothing in their village or in their parents’ houses that they left many years ago that is not healthy for them. I want to assure you that after creating this awareness in your mind, I pray that psalm 126 verse 1 will surely manifest in your lives in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Pst. Peter Izoduwa

Your Host

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