SCRIPTURE REFRENCE: Col 3:3 (KJV). Ps 64:1-8 (KJV).
I have listen to people who pray let my enemies live long and see what I will become in the future, go finds out all those who pray such prayers where they are today.
Many years ago, we were in an all-night prayer meetings and I raise a prayer points and one of our big pastor at that time opposed it and said let them repent. I replied him and said pastor when it’s get to your turn to pray, pray it that way sir, to many believers at that point believed that pastor peter is too arrogant, but when certain issues arise in his life he changes his prayer points.
That is how many of us have live our lives to chance religiously, no things don't work that way. We must choose to live differently if the way our father taught us is not working, the devil always take advantage of our ignorance to do us harm, but we are not even ready to change our ways.
We are not an
accident looking for where to happen. Bible said we are royal priesthood,
therefore we must conduct ourselves like the name God gave us, not bearing a
royal priesthood and live like slaves God forbid.
There are people that throw bitters words on you every other day arrows of wickedness, and the best prayer you could pray was let my enemy live long to see what I become in future.
They are there both in the family, office and even in the church. There is nothing you do that make sense to them even in this platform they are here, but you must continue to exist in success and be successful in your life, you will not give room for fear.
They throw bitter words that they might shoot the perfect and that is you.
They secretly change things in your life because they believe no one sees them. I came to prophecy on you, everyone around your life and destiny planning secretly to destroy the labor of your hand, to destroy your stars. May the fire of God almighty expose and waste them in Jesus precious name.
Many perfect people on earth today! their stars have been change and corrupted by this evil personality around and inside families. They push us into the hands of a waiting accidental connections that will finally wreck all manner of chaos in our lives, some are program to die untimely just like that.
see you prospering they go to search out your errors why they should punish you
using voodoo power or call it black magic. Today I came to challenge every satanic
person fighting and manipulating your destiny, manipulating your stars, manipulating your luck in secret, may the fire of God appear like a thunder ⚡and scatter them in hell in Jesus precious name.
This is how spirit operate. If you go to the witch doctor and complain of a person presenting that person to the witch doctor as your enemy, weather wrong or right 90% even men of God will not ask what you who presented the case before them did that he/she is seeking vengeance, and if the complainant is a giver they will not ask any questions than to begin fighting you using sorcery.
Some will tell you buy animal or bird for sacrifices. The first thing they do is go to your family line to search out the errors of the family and if they find any errors (sin or iniquity or idol worshipping) you are in serious trouble, that means no family person can stand for you. And if they did not find anything errors in your family line, they declare you an enemy and declare war against you and set traps (snare) for you waiting for the day you will fall into their trap.
but I have a good news for you and bad news for them. the scripture declared! Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Ps 20:7 (KJV) they shall fall for your sake; they must fall for your sake in Jesus precious name
Most times they use their men or women to trap innocent sisters and brothers, a brother in those days was trap down by a demonic sister who was possess of water spirits and he the brother lost virtually everything he has in life and life became miserable to him and in a bid to protect himself and businesses he joins the RO secret occult which further wreck him.
Most times in church the brothers get the sisters pregnant through fornication and pretend to love but abandon her later to care for her children and he move to another woman. You must be care with churches and church members who jump into you and start loving you. Most time they cook for you from their homes to make you feel real love beware......
Most times They use life issues especially marriages issues, people seeking for fruits of the womb are in their watch list, and business or anything that will bring you fulfillments in life, they will fight it so that you will begin to have opinions that most times, the suggestions that you have will bring you into errors with God principles. Can I have a witness here....
Bringing you into errors with God Divine principles is serving idol, they will get you down. That is why many people today get involve in cult activities and became deepens in cult matter to get protections they will have to make more sacrifices of blood to counter such that is speaking against them.
That is why we organize this program. And in the future, it will be held during our DAY OF ELIJAH. this will be an all-night service to bless your life. But in all this that I have explain so far, you have a big role to play in all, because life like I said, will not offer you anything for free, I spend time doing what I am doing every night I don’t sleep.
All because I need to draw virtues from above for my success, that is why I don’t care who believes in me or who do not believe in me, or whatever anybody said about me it does not change anything, when I get to the place where people who valued what I carry inside they will appreciate me.
But what I am saying here is that you have a role to place to have a
fulfilled life. God must surely fight for you and if God must fight for you as
the psalmist said in Ps 64:7 (KJV). But God shall shoot at them with an arrow;
suddenly shall they be wounded. Pray and say
P.P. My father my father I make demand for the blood of Jesus to speak in life against every satanic sacrifices fighting my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ.
P.P. father I make demand for your arrows, oh God shoot them that fight my destiny and let them be wounded by fire…. In the name of Jesus Christ.
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