SCRIPTURE: JER.15 V 7, HOS 4 V 11 & 17, 2 KINGS 6 V 26, 29 & 32
Father I draw inspiration and knowledge from your divine word wish cannot lie. Therefore, I ask for your guidance and direction. let your grace speak through me by your spirit oh lord and let every person under the sound of my voice be blessed with divine understanding to the glory of your name oh lord in Jesus precious name.
Father we thank you for this season and we make demand for your power of protection and preservation over our lives and families in Jesus name.
I thank God for you, having followed me over these years and I ask that God will do for you what you could not do for yourself in Jesus name. Not my head not my blood is a program from above, it was given to me from the start of this ministry to teach and to pray for the power of preservation over everyone that followed and participated in our programs. This year, by the leading of the spirit of God, we will look into WHAT WE ACCEPT as a believer of Jesus Christ.
Now there are traditions we have learned over the years that form every motive in us in a way of cultural practices, some make us fear, some give us confidence. these we cannot tell how it all started, but that our parents had told us of those incision in our body, they may have explain to us that some witches where attacking our health when we were a child that is why they make that mark in our face or some part of our body to preserve and protect our life that is why we are alive today.
There is something they will never tell you about that incision probably because of your age, you grow sometimes you ask questions they told you how it happens and you accept it and move on. What they did not tell you is that from time to time, they used to visit the herbalist! Otherwise known as witch doctor and pay homage to them all to renew the sacrifices.
I have said this in my past broadcast, that today's churches has outgrown the knowledge and the understanding of the Holy Bible, so that many in church today do not care what they get in church, as long as it's solves their immediate needs irrespective of how and what the preachers does behind the scene, that pastor or prophet or Bishop is a powerful man of God. All praise goes to the pastor and not God who answers prayers. Please follow me closely.
The truth is that they never prayed by the word or by the Holyghost for that result. What they do is that They charge you to work for you, and they make sacrifices on strange altars on your behalf to appeal to the demand of those forces. that you were not told the consequences of their protections over your life and the problem is resolved. You also accept it.
Let me inform you all of this very important part of our lives as a Christian, everything that happens to us or that we do has a record that is waiting for us good or bad, if any man be in Christ that is what many will quote for a cover up. in 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV. (The Bible says) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
What they will not tell you is in Revelation 20:12 KJV. (Which says) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. The bad character you have before you accept Jesus as your lord and saviour still manifests in your life and you say all things have become new?
A book must be open one day, what do you think of God! Oh you think God is poor in his mind? That he should close the book because a man is in Christ and old things are passed away? yet we go ahead to dwell in SIN and INIQUITY and willfully cause pains and sorrows in the life of those around you?
These men or some of these men of God, diagnose you through counseling and know about the traditions you accepted and have lived with from your parents most times through divination. They call themselves prophet, they know what to buy, mainly looking at you or listening to your issues, they know what your problems are through divination. But some goes to make enquiry of you and know what kind of sacrifices to make for you to solve your immediate problem
Many of those sacrifices also failed in the process, because you are running between two forces. Let me explain this in detail. Many Christians are very okay when it comes to praying and doing church work, but there are hidden characters they cannot do away with, a very bad habit that does not matter to them.
Many give their life to Christ, but there is no Christ in them, there is no Christ in their character. Many of us, are prayer Warriors but our parents still connects us to witch doctors, your pictures are with men with a familiar spirit. Some of these modern preachers are connected to diabolical witch doctors. It was when TB Joshua dead that we knew that some of these modern pastors and prophets where his spiritual sons. Follow me closely.
They submit your pictures to them even when you are not there, your contact point is there. the implication is that why you are praying! the demons released to protect you from strange altars are on fire when your fire is low or none at all, this demons on assignments for you fired afflictions into your life that will make you weak in your spirit life and discourage you to pray. have you ever wonder many times when you are burning in the holy ghost, One event happens in your life you shrink back and you no longer find time to pray,
Where I have problems with some of our preachers is, the church is a place where character are develop and modify, but when the church leader do not take the responsibility of knowing what is right and follow after the traditions of men the followers will accept what is giving to them by errors, the truth is, some people are favour on that bad example while others are favoured by good example. Follow me closely.
You cannot outsmart a spirit. but you can put the spirit under control if you keep the principles of the spirit as laid down by God's word. The Spirit will obey your command if you obey God's command.
Every book about spirit has its roots from the Bible that some of us commonize. in Jeremiah 15:7 KJV. (The Bible said) And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people, since they return not from their ways.
God said I will winnow them with a winnowing fan in the gate of the land. What that means is that, man here is like or likened to the shaft in the hand of spirits, so God stood at the gate by his spirit which talked about the entrance door which can signify any door in a man's life! namely marital doors, financial doors, academic doors, divine health you can name them, he said I will winnow them.
Watch out for part 2